Monday, April 7, 2008

The Last Lecture

So, you were expecting a cycling blog? I found this video after reading a review of the book "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. He seems like an amazing man - dying of panceatic cancer, with literally months to live, he gives a great, inspirational lecture about childhood dreams at Carnegie Mellon. The Last Lecture.

If you'd rather watch it on YouTube, here it is:

Wow, after seeing that it really brings back into perspective why I'm involved with Team in Training. By riding my bike, I'm helping to raise funds to find a cure for blood cancers - and to help those who have leukemia, myeloma or lymphoma now to deal with all that comes with it - the fears, the pain, the treatments that must seem worse than the disease. Please continue to support me at my personal fund-raising website.

And yes, I still have been riding my bike. At least when it's not in the shop. We had a your on your own weekend - no coaching, but we were still expected to ride. My bike was in the shop, waiting for parts (strange sounds coming from the cranks), so I went on a long strenuous hike instead. The regional parks around here tend to have lots of hills, so I ended up doing close to 8 miles across some very rough terrain. Not exactly like riding a bike, but a lot of fun and a good workout. As a result, no pics to share this update - but next weekend is a classic ride on the peninsula south of San Francisco. The hills are steep and long, and I'm sure the ride will be great!


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